
Cost of praxbind
Cost of praxbind

Unit costs were derived from current prices and tariffs.

cost of praxbind

diagnostic procedures, medications, and other in-hospital services) needed for the management of uncontrolled bleeding and emergency surgery in patients treated with dabigatran was obtained from a panel of five Italian Clinical Experts. The estimation of healthcare resources (i.e. The target population was defined by those patients on dabigatran treatment presenting uncontrolled and life-threatening bleedings (gastro-intestinal, intracranial or other) or requiring emergency surgery or urgent procedures. The analysis was conducted along a time horizon of five years. METHODS: The analysis was carried over through the development of a budget impact model specifically adapted to the context of Italian care. OBJECTIVE: To assess the economic effect of idarucizumab in patients treated with dabigatran when the rapid reversal of its anticoagulant effect is required.

cost of praxbind

Idarucizumab is a monoclonal antibody that binds to dabigatran, neutralizing its anticoagulant effect. Dabigatran is the first-in-class of the so-called new oral anticoagulants (NAO), that have been made available in recent years in addition to traditionally-used vitamin K antagonists (VKA).

cost of praxbind

BACKGROUND: Each drug therapy with an anticoagulant effect may require, in emergency conditions, a rapid and specific strategy for a prompt restoration of coagulation.

Cost of praxbind